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ttly awesome

This is like my fav. house song from you. I don't really know what else to say besides the fact that this is da bomb!!!
Btw, is it a remix of "One Minute Man"? I tried to search up the lyrics and the closest to it was that. What are the lyrics anyway?

Auecs responds:

Shhhhhhhhhh. nobody is supposed to know I samples that song... haha.

I did this song on a friend's computer and he happened to have this acapella sitting on his hard drive. Personally I really dont like the original song so I Fucked with the vocals a lot trying to hide it.

Yeah. I dont remember the lyrics but if you lurk around you should be able to find them.

Thanks for your input!

Yup, epic right here ppl

This is FKN SWEET!!! So, this is what you've been working on lately?
I like the intro, because the original didn't have one (at least my version doesn't anyway). It's kinda a spooky/eerie kinda remix, whileas the original was more majestic. The main string that you used is probably the part I didn't like most. It really isn't a violin-like sound, like the original. It needs to be smoother and softer. All I could think was that it sounded like wasp, instead of strings.
The build-up should be more meaningful (sorry for the poor choice of words, but that's all I could come up with).
Also, in the main pattern, between the second last and the last note, there shouldn't be a rest there.
Besides that, pretty good for a DnB, especially when you're only starting on the genre. Ever thought of doing more remixes of other songs? Like sandstorm or PoE(which apparently it's the "cool thing" to do).

Mrmilkcarton responds:

I'm limited on my strings and can only get so much out of them sadly. As for other remixes I don't think I'll be doing the ones you suggested antime soon.

Another remix???

Wow, first off I'd like to say, how many remixes do Ng people plan to make of a single song? There's a few Weekend has come remixes out there for what ever reason that isn't entirely clear with me, and a few other remixes of other songs, both outside Ng and from Ng. But still, PoE has been out, what? 2 years I think now? Well, good work takes time, I guess.

Anyway, on with the song. Great intro. It was just so ... perfect. I actually expected a bell intro, like the original by B0UNC3, but the change has been quite dramatic and brought in a change to the song, which is the whole purpose of making a remix.

The lead. Well, I'll be damned. You have amazing ears. To create and replicate the original lead like this? Just amazing. I was expecting/hoping that there'd be more use of the original lead throughout the song though. There needs to be MOAR!!!!! lol

Great drums and hits and all the rest. Though there's something about it that doesn't feel right. Probably the quality rate of it. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to hear the full quality version of this remix.

I do apologise if these things have been said before by prior reviewers - afterall, some big names have reviewed here before me. Great job on this track. 10/10

Karco responds:

Heh. I don't know about the others, but I just did it to prove that a remix of a cheesy song doesn't have to be cheesy. ;D That and I wanted the popularity a bit. XD

Yep, the intro is one of my favorite parts in the song. :O

The lead actually isn't mine, it's a Nexus preset, used almost raw. XD It's only a coincidence that it sounded so similar to B0UNC3's lead.

I'll PM you with the full quality version later. :)

Thanks a lot for the review, it's always good to get someone else's opinion even if it's already been said before - it reinforces the point and makes it more necessary for me to remember to pay attention to it next time. ;) Glad you liked it!


Karco: But yeah, great job F-777. :D
lolz, it happened again. Sry, couldn't resist.
Anyway ... (lul) It was a bit slow to start, which was kinda annoying for me when I'm in my impatient mood, but it was great and meaningful. It was pretty repetitive during the first few minutes, I must admit, but you spreaded it out in the right way that made it sound good.
Love the lead at 3:00. I noticed that little quiet back ground noise, which I couldn't really identify as to what it was, but you need to bring that up more I reckon. It was so quiet that I barely noticed it.
And what's with the classical turn at 5:00? At least you rescued it at 6:20. X3
Overall, a great piece. I think that's long enough for a review.
Keep up the good work, and come on msn dammit.

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Karco pulled that joke too. I need a little practice with structure and transitions. Adding more atmosphere could of done some justice to the repetition and made it more of an interesting listen. Thanks for the review.

Not bad!

Considering that you only used samples to create this, it's pretty damn good. The words were kinda hard to comprehend though (I mean French? I forgot French 10 years ago. At least I think it's French). It needs to be longer. Other than that it's pretty good. The end needs more of a slow down, a conclusion if you like, to end it, rather than a sudden stop to the whole thing.
What program did you use? If it's FL then try messing around with the automation clips. They are like a gift from God. X3

J-ROB26 responds:

lol the guy is sayin that was when i ruled the world! not french lol...and yeahi know what u talkin bout wit da ending...i didnt make it long cuz its jus a sample and i didnt want to take time doin da ending...jus wanted to put it up real quick...and i use FL but im brand new to it so i dont know what auto clips are?? ill have to look at it

Dunno about Sytrus..

Personally, I'm an FL person. That's mostly because it's the only program I have and I can't really figure it out yet. But I have Nick to help me on that.
This is ... random. That's the only word I could think of that sounds fitting. It's a bit, well a lot really, repetitive. It sounds awesome on the headphones though. ^^

PrEmoEffect responds:

Oh, sytrus is in FL Studios... Its a synthisizer, its practically one of the best because it has 6 synthisizers and 3 filters all with LFO's to resonators, cut off etc. You should try to make ur own synths on it. Its really fun!


Jesse's a lucky man to have you remix this song of his.Very dancy trancy style music. A great remix of the original (mainly cuz I didn't really like the original about half way through - soz Jesse). Your skills are improving so fast. Soon enough, just maybe, you'll control the AP. lolz. Til, that day, keep up the good work.

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Control over the AP huh? I'd rather not have people constantly complaining to me of all the things they don't like lol. I'm glad I'm improving though always a good sign.


5'ed it. That's a +0.0098 from me to you for making a good song (as always).
May the 0-bombers stay the heck away from this song. Amen.

Sp1r1T responds:

:D Thanks. I gotta buy some 0 repellent.

Holy s***!!!

Amazing man, just fkn amazing. I saw the screenshot and all I could say about it is that it's so tight! This has gotta be the most complicated song that I've seen from an FL screeny.
Good job on turning the male voice to female and vice versa, a bit creepy but good job.
Get some sleep, you truely deserve it. And wake up tomorrow to improve the song to perfection (if it isn't already).

Rig responds:

Yeah, they're pretty creepy voices, but they work. haha

Thanks for the review, man! The songs' not too difficult - the screenshot makes it look intense, though.


Umm, what happened to POTC He's a pirate? X3
Heheh, anyway, I liked it. I couldn't help but get the feeling that it's another version of Heaven Rd.2 by Envy though (is it just me?). It's a bit slow for a dance song too (sorry -/\-). But overall it's pretty good. This comp is getting better and better. XD
Good luck!!!!!

Nintechno responds:

He's a Pirate? I've given up on that project.
I don't think I have heard Heaven Rd. 2, But I can assure you this is all original. And as for speed...At 165bpm, this is the fastest thing I have ever made, so don't push me XD
Thanks for the review man ^^

Kevin Yost @thefev

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